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Fast Splash Screen - Manual

This manual describes basic principles of Fast Splash Screen control from your application.

Fast Splash Screen - How it works


'Start.exe' - the program which is run by the user. This file ensures the opening of a splash screen, displaying of messages, it creates a temporary file 'waiting.tmp' and then it waits until it is deleted by .NET application. This file may be renamed according to one's needs but it is not recommended.

'SplashScreenBackgroundPicture.bmp' - the file contains the picture (bitmap) which makes the basis of the splash screen. Fast Splash Screen will aically adapt its size to this picture. It is possible to change the name of the file but it is necessary to change this name also in the file 'SplashScreenConfiguration.cfg'.

'SplashScreenConfiguration.cfg' - this is the configuration file which consists of three parameters as follows: the picture file name (first line); your .NET application name (second line); the message that will appear in the splash screen as the first one (third line). Each parameter must be written as a separate line => the file must contain three lines altoghether. The content of this file can be easily changed in plain text editors like 'Notepad' etc. It is not recommended to change the content of this file in programs like MS Word etc. The name of the file must not change.

'Demo.exe' - demonstrational program written in C# .NET which is used for the demonstrational running of .NET application.

'waiting.tmp' - temporary file which is created after startup and must be deleted by .NET application after its initialization is finished.

'FastSplashScreen_Licence.txt' - Licence conditions.

Sample animation
Fast Splash Screen video

How to close splash screen

The closing of a splash screen is very easy. You simply delete the file 'waiting.tmp' from the main directory of the application. In other words it is the directory where the splash screen is running from (where 'Start.exe' file is).

Example of the application in C# .NET:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.IO;


namespace My.NET_App


    public partial class Form1 : Form


        public Form1()





        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


            // application initialization

            // loading data from hdd

            // data processing

            // database or web connecting

            // ...



            // delete file 'waiting.tmp' when initialization is finished





Deleting of the file 'waiting.tmp' is recommended to be made only after the whole initialization of the application process is finished.

How to send messages to a Fast Splash Screen

Fast Splash Screen has one very big advantage - it can show messages from your application continuously. This may be extremely useful especiaslly in those cases when your application is about to process large amount of data, or is about to connect to a distant server, and so on. It would be good to inform the user about these processes.
Sending of messages is also very easy. The message is simply written as one line (the first one) into the file 'waiting.tmp' and the Fast Splash Screen will scan this file and read the current message from there.

Example of sending messages to a Fast Splash Screen (in C# .NET):

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.IO;


namespace Demo.NET_app


    public partial class Form1 : Form


        public Form1()





        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


            SaveMessage("Loading data . . .");

            // Loading some data

            // LoadData();

            // ...


            SaveMessage("Converting data . . .");

            // Converting data

            // MakeSomethingWithData();

            // ...


            SaveMessage("Initializing UI interface . . .");

            // Initializing UI interface

            // InitUI();

            // ...



            // Delete file 'waiting.tmp' when initialization is finished




        private void SaveMessage(string strMsgText)


            // Create new text writer and open file 'waiting.tmp'

            TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("waiting.tmp");

            // write line with message into file


            // close text writer /           





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